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Get STEAMed Up
(Ages 6-10)

STEAM Intro Series

STEAM Intro Series

TY 101 - Mechanics

15 hours

In-person or Online


This intro to mechanics and simple machines course is perfect for beginners to Science Tech Engineering Art and Math (STEAM). This module will focus on science, which is a study of how and why things work, as well as mechanics - how objects move, pull and push forces, how gears, pulleys, and other mechanical parts work.


During this course, students will build their own mechanical machines and thereafter develop an understanding of the basic mechanics behind robotics.

TY 102 - Navigation

15 hours

In-person or Online


This course introduces kids to the art and science of navigation, which is a study of finding your way when travelling. Kids will learn how to use maps, use compasses, measure and give directions in distance, speed, direction, and coordinates. Perfect for the wanderlust in each child.


During this course, students will draw their own maps, become an adventure traveller and navigate the galaxy. Doing so will enable them to understand basic navigational commands to control and direct travel and movement.

TY 201 - Energy

15 hours

In-person or Online

Marble run_edited.jpg

Building on TY101 and TY102, this course moves on to more advanced science concepts where kids are introduced to electricity as a form of energy. With finite resources in this world, students will learn the importance of safe-handling, conserving energy and preserving our future by relying more on renewable energy sources. Mankind has harnessed energy to bring about conveniences in our modern life, and this course will delve into basic understanding of electricity and how it fuels our critical technologies. 


Students will build different electronic circuits using component such as LEDs, buzzers, crocodile cables, batteries and more! They will learn the advantages and disadvantages of parallel and series circuits, as well as make their own wearable tech.

TY 202 - Electricity & Circuits

15 hours

In-person or Online

LED Brooch.JPG

Building on TY101 and TY102, this course moves on to more advanced science concepts where kids are introduced to electricity as a form of energy. With finite resources in this world, students will learn the importance of safe-handling, conserving energy and preserving our future by relying more on renewable energy sources. Mankind has harnessed energy to bring about conveniences in our modern life, and this course will delve into basic understanding of electricity and how it fuels our critical technologies. 


Students will build different electronic circuits using component such as LEDs, buzzers, crocodile cables, batteries and more! They will learn the advantages and disadvantages of parallel and series circuits, as well as make their own wearable tech.

TY 203 - Motors

15 hours

In-person or Online

L9 - L10 Pet Bot 2 Front.JPG

Combining the concepts of mechanics and electricity from TY101 and TY201, this course will teach kids how electromagnetism works, and how to build their own electronic robots. 


In this course, students will build electronic circuits with real motors and electronic components to design and build their own simple electronic robots that can make art, and be their very own pet robot. Students will develop understanding for the basics of motors and how it keeps all our favourite robots and vehicles running.

TY 204 - Robotics with Dash

15 hours

In-person or Online


Dash is a beloved robot that can be controlled using a programming language invented by Google called Blockly. Paired with an iPad, students will learn how to code by dragging and dropping their commands for Dash to execute.


Making use of basic commands, sequencing, loops and functions, students will take Dash on great adventures into space, sing a song, choreograph a dance and create a Dash-ing work of art.

TY 205 - Coding with Hopscotch

15 hours

In-person or Online


For the artist, the geek and the explorer alike! Coding with Hopscotch is a great way to ease into Computer Science in a colourful and dynamic way. Learn how to code using simple drag and drop commands in the iPad - don't let those pesky keyboard and mouse skills get in the way of your creativity through code. It's the perfect bridging course to get from ScratchJr to Scratch.


During this course, students will learn Computer Science fundamentals, along with digital animation, geometric art, basic game mechanics, and design skills. Build your own virtual escape room, vegetable farm, cubist artwork and surfing adventure!


Math Concepts

  • Quantity

  • Shape

  • Positioning (order, absolute vs relational)


Science Concepts

  • Mechanical movement

  • Forces (push and pull)



  • Simple machines

  • Chain reactions




  • Coordinates

  • Distance

  • Direction

  • Orientation



  • Magnets

  • Compass

  • Planet Earth

  • Solar system



  • Future modes of transport & travel


Science Concepts

  • Electricity

  • Magnetism

  • Motors

  • Circuits



  • Make digital art using robots

  • Design your own pet robot



  • Electronic robots

  • Basic automation


Science Concepts

  • heat energy

  • sound energy

  • light energy

  • mechanical energy

  • chemical energy

  • sustainable energy sources


Art & Music

  • Make shrink art using heat energy

  • Design your own flute

  • Make a kaleidoscope



  • power generation

  • battery power

K2.3 dash sequence+loops+events 1.JPG

Animated stories & games



  • Location

  • Distance

  • Direction

  • Orientation



  • Measurement

  • Movement

  • Forces

  • Navigation


Art & Music

  • Create geometric art

  • Make a song

  • Choreograph a dance


Computer Science

  • Commands

  • Sequencing

  • Loops

  • Events

  • Functions


Math Concepts

  • location

  • distance

  • direction

  • orientation


Science Concepts

  • measurement

  • movement

  • forces

  • navigation



  • create geometric art

  • make a song

  • choreograph a dance



  • computer science funcamentals

  • commands, loops, sequencing, events & functions


Math Concepts

  • angles

  • arrangement

  • coordinates


Science Concepts

  • speed

  • direction

  • agriculture

  • the animal kingdom



  • digital art on iPad

  • geometric art

  • cubism



  • computer science funcamentals

  • commands, loops, sequencing, events & functions

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